Are tower PCs getting extinct in the near future?

Β· 686 words Β· 4 minute read

You πŸ”—

Is it true that in the near future, tower PCs that can be assembled will become extinct and be replaced with SoC based PCs like what is happening with Mac computers?

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It’s difficult to predict the future with certainty, but it’s unlikely that tower PCs that can be assembled will become completely extinct anytime soon.

While it’s true that there is a trend towards more compact and integrated systems like SoC-based PCs, there are still many advantages to traditional desktop tower PCs that make them attractive to certain users.

For example, tower PCs allow for greater customization and upgradability than more compact systems. They also often have more powerful hardware and better cooling options, making them ideal for gaming and other demanding applications.

Additionally, there will always be a market for users who prefer to build their own PCs from scratch or upgrade their existing systems, and tower PCs are ideal for these types of users.

Overall, it’s likely that we’ll continue to see a mix of different form factors and types of PCs on the market for the foreseeable future, including both traditional tower PCs and more compact SoC-based systems like what is happening with some Mac computers.

You πŸ”—

Are the people building PCs like me are getting fewer like for example my friends are just buying laptops or pre-assembled PCs, and this trend causes the PC building market to lose market share, causing the phase out of PC building parts?

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While it’s true that there has been a shift towards pre-assembled PCs and laptops in recent years, the DIY PC building market is still relatively strong and there are still many people who enjoy building their own PCs.

In fact, there are a number of online communities and resources dedicated to PC building, and many enthusiasts continue to share tips, build logs, and other information about building their own systems. Additionally, there are still many companies that specialize in selling PC building parts and components, and these companies continue to develop new products and technologies to cater to the DIY market.

While it’s possible that the DIY PC building market may become smaller over time, it’s unlikely that it will completely disappear anytime soon. There will always be a market for users who want to customize and build their own systems, and as long as there is demand for these products, companies will continue to produce and sell PC building parts and components.

You πŸ”—

And also about the interfaces, some computer experts predict that DDR6 or DDR7 RAM will be required to be soldered onto the motherboard just like with VRAM on GPU since the DIMMs cannot support this very high bandwidths, making the shift toward SoC more, is that true?

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It’s possible that DDR6 or DDR7 RAM could be soldered onto motherboards in the future, but it’s not necessarily a given. There are a few factors to consider when it comes to the future of RAM interfaces and form factors.

One important factor is the development of new memory technologies. For example, there are several new types of memory being developed that could potentially replace or supplement traditional RAM, such as HBM (High Bandwidth Memory), MRAM (Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory), and PCM (Phase Change Memory). If any of these new memory types become mainstream, they could impact the design and form factor of future computer systems.

Another factor is the trend towards more integrated systems like SoCs. While SoCs can provide many benefits in terms of power efficiency and size, they also tend to limit the upgradability and customizability of the system. SoCs typically have the RAM and other components integrated onto a single chip, making it difficult or impossible to upgrade individual components.

That being said, there will likely always be a market for systems that prioritize upgradability and customizability, and manufacturers will continue to develop new form factors and interfaces to cater to this market. So while it’s possible that we may see some changes in the way RAM is integrated into computer systems in the future, it’s difficult to predict exactly how this will play out.