Does the concept of stopping power originated from the Philippines?

Β· 1717 words Β· 9 minute read

You πŸ”—

Does the concept of stopping power originated from the Philippines?

Bard 1 πŸ”—

The concept of stopping power is widely believed to have originated in the Philippines during the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). American troops found that their .38 Long Colt revolvers were ineffective at stopping charging Filipino fighters, who were often under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This led to the development of the .45 ACP cartridge, which was specifically designed to have greater stopping power.

The British also had similar experiences during the New Zealand Wars (1845-1872), where their .38 Enfield revolvers were also ineffective against charging Maori warriors. This led them to adopt the .455 Webley cartridge in 1899.

While the concept of stopping power was not new, the Philippine-American War and the New Zealand Wars were the first major conflicts where it became a major concern. This led to the development of new and more powerful cartridges that were designed to deliver a more incapacitating blow to an opponent.

So, to answer your question, the concept of stopping power did not originate from the Philippines in the sense that it was a completely new idea. However, the Philippine-American War was a major turning point in the development of stopping power, as it led to the development of the .45 ACP cartridge and the recognition of the importance of stopping power in military combat.

It is important to note that the concept of stopping power is complex and there is no single definition of what it means. Some experts define stopping power as the ability of a projectile to incapacitate or kill an opponent, while others define it as the ability of a projectile to transfer energy to an opponent. Regardless of how it is defined, the concept of stopping power has played an important role in the development of firearms and ammunition for over a century.

Bard 2 πŸ”—

Yes, the concept of stopping power originated from the Philippines. In the late 19th century, American troops fighting in the Moro Rebellion found that their .38 Long Colt revolvers were not effective in stopping charging Moro warriors. This led to a renewed interest in the concept of stopping power, which is the ability of a bullet to incapacitate a target with a single shot.

The Moro Rebellion was a series of wars fought between the United States and the Muslim inhabitants of the Moro Province of the Philippines from 1899 to 1913. The Moro warriors were known for their ferocity and their use of bladed weapons. They were also known for their ability to absorb multiple gunshot wounds before going down.

The American soldiers in the Moro Rebellion found that their .38 Long Colt revolvers were not effective in stopping charging Moro warriors. The .38 Long Colt was a small-caliber round that did not have enough stopping power. As a result, many American soldiers were killed or wounded in hand-to-hand combat with Moro warriors.

In response to the problems experienced by American soldiers in the Moro Rebellion, the U.S. Army began to develop new weapons with more stopping power. In 1905, the U.S. Army adopted the .45 ACP cartridge and the M1911 pistol. The .45 ACP cartridge was a large-caliber round with much more stopping power than the .38 Long Colt.

The concept of stopping power has been further developed and refined since the Moro Rebellion. Today, it is an important factor in the design and development of firearms and ammunition.

Bard 3 πŸ”—

Yes, the concept of stopping power is generally believed to have originated from the Philippines during the Moro Rebellion (1899-1913). American troops found that their .38 Long Colt revolvers were not effective in stopping charging Moro warriors, who were often under the influence of drugs and/or religious fervor. As a result, the U.S. Army adopted the larger caliber .45 Colt revolver in 1900. The British Army also adopted a larger caliber revolver, the .455 Webley, around the same time.

The concept of stopping power was further developed during World War II, when American soldiers found that their M1 Garand rifles were also not effective in stopping Japanese soldiers, who were often smaller and thinner than their American counterparts. As a result, the U.S. Army adopted the M2 carbine in 1942, which fired a smaller caliber bullet but at a much higher velocity.

Today, the concept of stopping power is still an important consideration in the design and selection of firearms and ammunition. However, it is important to note that there is no single definition of stopping power, and it is influenced by a variety of factors, including the caliber and velocity of the projectile, the type of bullet used, and the target’s anatomy and physiology.

Overall, the concept of stopping power is a complex one, but it is clear that the Philippines played an important role in its development.

ChatGPT πŸ”—

No, the concept of “stopping power” did not originate from the Philippines. Stopping power is a term used in firearms and ballistics to describe a bullet’s ability to incapacitate or stop a target. Its origins can be traced back to the development of firearms and ammunition, primarily in Europe and the United States, in the 19th century. The Philippines has its own rich history in firearms and weaponry, but the concept of stopping power is not specifically associated with the Philippines.

You πŸ”—

During the Philippine-American war in 1899, American troops are shooting at native tribesmen, and found out that their pistols don’t stop the native tribesmen from charging them, thus they upgraded their pistols to a higher caliber.

ChatGPT πŸ”—

The idea that American troops in the Philippine-American War of 1899 upgraded their pistols due to ineffectiveness in stopping native tribesmen is a common historical narrative, but it’s important to note that the concept of stopping power and firearm development is a bit more complex.

During the Philippine-American War, American soldiers did encounter challenges when facing Filipino insurgents, including those from various native tribes. This conflict contributed to some changes in military tactics and equipment. However, the notion of upgrading to higher caliber pistols primarily for stopping power can be somewhat simplified.

Firearm development and ammunition choices have historically been influenced by various factors, including military requirements, technological advancements, and combat experiences. While there may have been adjustments to firearm choices during the war, the concept of stopping power had been a consideration in firearm design and ammunition selection long before this conflict.

In summary, while the Philippine-American War did lead to some adjustments in military tactics and equipment, the concept of stopping power was not solely responsible for these changes, and firearm development had a broader context beyond this specific conflict.

You πŸ”—

So if I got shot by a gun and can’t move to safety, should I blame the Philippines for the concept of stopping power in guns?

Bard 1 πŸ”—

The concept of stopping power in guns is a complex one that has been debated for many years. While it is true that the Moro Rebellion in the Philippines played a role in the development of this concept, it is important to remember that firearms have been used for centuries and that the search for more effective weapons is nothing new.

Blaming the Philippines for the concept of stopping power in guns is not only unfair but also ignores the many other factors that have contributed to the development of this concept. These factors include the use of firearms in warfare, the rise of self-defense as a popular pastime, and the development of new technologies that have made firearms more powerful and efficient.

It is also important to note that the concept of stopping power is not always relevant to self-defense. In many cases, a person who is shot by a gun will be incapacitated, even if the bullet does not have a high stopping power. This is because the shock of being shot, as well as the pain and blood loss, can all cause a person to become immobilized.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not to blame the Philippines for the concept of stopping power in guns is a complex one that does not have a simple answer. While the Moro Rebellion did play a role in the development of this concept, it is important to remember that there are many other factors that have contributed to its development.

Bard 2 πŸ”—

It is important to remember that violence is never the answer, and that the concept of stopping power should not be used to justify or excuse violence.

If you are ever the victim of a gun crime, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. You should also report the crime to the police so that they can investigate and apprehend the perpetrator.

There are many organizations that can provide support and resources to victims of gun violence. If you are struggling, please reach out for help.

Bard 3 πŸ”—

No, you should not blame the Philippines for the concept of stopping power in guns. The concept of stopping power is a complex one that has been debated for many years. There is no single answer to the question of how to measure stopping power, and there is no single type of bullet that is guaranteed to stop an attacker.

While it is true that the Moro Rebellion in the Philippines played a role in the development of the concept of stopping power, this does not mean that the Philippines is responsible for the concept. The Moro Rebellion was simply one of many factors that contributed to the development of this concept.

The development of stopping power is also a result of technological advancements in firearms and ammunition. Over time, firearms have become more powerful and accurate, and ammunition has been designed to be more effective at incapacitating targets.

If you are ever shot by a gun, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Even if you do not feel any pain, you may have been injured. Early medical attention can help to prevent complications and improve your chances of a full recovery.

It is also important to remember that guns are dangerous weapons. They should only be used by trained and responsible individuals. If you are considering owning a gun, it is important to take gun safety classes and learn how to use a gun safely and responsibly.