If I placed my science book inside the fridge, will it become fringe science?

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If I placed my science book inside the fridge, will it become fringe science?

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No, placing your science book inside the fridge will not turn it into fringe science. The term “fringe science” refers to scientific ideas or theories that are considered highly speculative, unconventional, or outside the mainstream scientific consensus. It has nothing to do with the physical location of a book.

Fringe science typically involves ideas that are not widely accepted by the scientific community due to a lack of empirical evidence, failure to adhere to established scientific methods, or being in conflict with well-established scientific principles. It often includes unconventional or pseudoscientific theories.

Putting your science book in the fridge is simply a physical action and has no impact on the scientific content within the book. The validity and credibility of scientific knowledge are determined by rigorous experimentation, peer review, and consensus among experts in the field, not by the storage location of a book.