Increasing numbers of incels

· 2313 words · 11 minute read

What would be the reason why there are increasing numbers of incels, incels does not exist in the past, right?

The term “incel” refers to individuals who identify as being “involuntarily celibate,” meaning they desire sexual and/or romantic relationships but have not been able to find a partner. The term and community around it have existed since the 1990s, but have gained more visibility in recent years due to increased online communication and social media.

It is difficult to determine with certainty whether there has been an increase in the number of individuals who identify as incels, as there is limited data on this population. However, it is possible that the visibility of the incel community has increased due to their use of online forums and social media to connect with others who share similar experiences.

There is no one reason why someone may identify as an incel, as each individual’s experiences and circumstances are unique. Some individuals may struggle with social skills or have difficulty forming connections with others, while others may struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression that impact their ability to form relationships. Additionally, societal and cultural factors such as toxic masculinity and unrealistic expectations around beauty and sex may contribute to some individuals’ experiences of involuntary celibacy.

It is important to note that while identifying as incel may be a way for individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences, some members of the incel community have expressed misogynistic and violent views towards women. This behavior is not acceptable and should not be condoned.

So incels exist in the past, they just don’t have visibility unlike now?

Yes, it is possible that individuals who identified as being involuntarily celibate, or incels, existed in the past but did not have the same level of visibility or online community as they do today. The term “incel” was first coined in the 1990s, but the experience of feeling unable to form romantic or sexual relationships is not new.

In the past, individuals who experienced involuntary celibacy may have felt isolated and alone in their experiences, as there was less opportunity to connect with others who shared similar experiences. However, with the advent of the internet and social media, individuals who identify as incels have been able to connect with others who share similar experiences and form online communities. This increased visibility has also led to greater scrutiny of the incel community and its beliefs.

It is important to note that while some individuals who identify as incels may have legitimate struggles with forming connections with others, there are also members of the incel community who espouse misogynistic and violent views towards women. This behavior is not acceptable and should not be condoned.

But why incel violence did not happen back then if they exist in the past?

It is difficult to say with certainty why there may not have been reports of violence specifically attributed to individuals who identified as incels in the past. It is possible that there were cases of violence or aggression by individuals who were experiencing involuntary celibacy, but these incidents may not have been labeled or understood in the same way as they are today.

It is also worth noting that the increased visibility of the incel community in recent years has come with greater scrutiny and criticism of some of the beliefs and behaviors associated with the community. Some members of the incel community have expressed misogynistic and violent views towards women, which is not acceptable and should not be condoned.

It is important to understand that violence is not an inevitable outcome of experiencing involuntary celibacy, and that the vast majority of individuals who identify as incels do not engage in violent behavior. However, it is important to address and challenge any harmful beliefs or behaviors that contribute to violence against women or other individuals.

According to GSS, since 2008 male sexlessness are rising, is this the proof that we don’t have a lot of incels back then compared to now?

The General Social Survey (GSS) is a nationally representative survey in the United States that has been conducted since 1972. One question on the survey asks respondents about their frequency of sexual activity in the past year. A recent analysis of GSS data found that the proportion of men who reported having no sexual partners in the past year has increased since 2008.

It is important to note, however, that not all individuals who are sexually inactive or have had difficulty forming romantic relationships identify as incels. While some individuals who identify as incels may experience involuntary celibacy, not all individuals who are celibate or sexually inactive identify as incels.

Furthermore, the GSS data does not provide information on the reasons why individuals may be experiencing difficulty forming romantic or sexual relationships. There may be a variety of individual, social, and cultural factors that contribute to difficulties in forming relationships.

It is possible that the increased visibility of the incel community in recent years has led more individuals to identify with the label of incel, but it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions based on the GSS data alone.

What can we do to help and reduce the number of incels?

Addressing and reducing the number of individuals who identify as incels requires a multifaceted approach that involves both individual and societal-level interventions. Here are some potential steps that could be taken:

  1. Address toxic masculinity: Society’s emphasis on traditional masculine traits, such as dominance, aggression, and emotional control, can be harmful and contribute to negative attitudes towards women and a lack of success in forming relationships. Challenging these societal norms and promoting healthy expressions of masculinity can help reduce the number of individuals who identify as incels.
  2. Address societal beauty standards: Unrealistic beauty standards can lead to feelings of inadequacy and make it difficult for individuals who do not fit these standards to form romantic relationships. Promoting body positivity and celebrating diverse body types can help reduce the number of individuals who feel marginalized due to their appearance.
  3. Promote healthy relationship skills: Providing education and resources on healthy relationship skills, communication, and emotional regulation can help individuals develop the skills needed to form and maintain healthy relationships.
  4. Provide mental health resources: Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, can contribute to difficulties in forming relationships. Providing access to mental health resources, such as therapy or counseling, can help individuals address these issues and improve their ability to form relationships.
  5. Encourage healthy online behavior: Online communities, such as incel forums, can be harmful and reinforce negative attitudes towards women. Encouraging healthy online behavior, such as respectful communication and avoiding harmful or hateful content, can help reduce the number of individuals who are drawn to these communities.

It is important to note that there is no single solution to addressing and reducing the number of individuals who identify as incels. A multifaceted approach that addresses individual, social, and cultural factors is necessary to promote healthy attitudes towards relationships and reduce feelings of marginalization and isolation.

Back then, we have patriarchy, nowadays, women have gained the rights just like men and reduces toxic masculinity, why did incels increased then? Did the abolition of patriarchy increased incels?

The reasons for the increase in individuals who identify as incels are complex and multifactorial, and it is unlikely that any single factor can explain the trend. While the increased visibility of the incel community may suggest a recent rise in the number of individuals who identify as incels, it is possible that there were individuals experiencing similar difficulties in forming relationships in the past but did not have the same opportunities to connect with others who shared their experiences.

It is important to note that while progress has been made in reducing the effects of patriarchy and toxic masculinity, these societal factors can still persist and have an impact on individuals’ experiences. Additionally, the social and cultural changes brought about by increased access to technology and the internet may have contributed to the rise of the incel community.

It is important to continue to address societal issues, such as toxic masculinity and patriarchy, that can contribute to feelings of marginalization and social isolation. Additionally, addressing mental health issues, promoting healthy relationship skills, and promoting healthy online behavior are all important steps in reducing the number of individuals who experience involuntary celibacy and identifying as incels.

Will incels performing violence like Elliot Rodger helps reduce incels, or increases them?

Acts of violence, such as those committed by Elliot Rodger, are never an appropriate or effective means of addressing social issues or personal struggles. These acts can harm innocent people and create fear and division within communities.

It is unlikely that acts of violence will reduce the number of individuals who identify as incels, and in fact, they may increase the number of individuals who are drawn to the incel community. Violence can be used to reinforce feelings of victimhood and justify harmful beliefs and attitudes towards others.

Instead, efforts should be focused on addressing the underlying societal and cultural factors that contribute to feelings of marginalization and social isolation, as well as promoting healthy relationship skills, mental health resources, and healthy online behavior. It is important to create a culture that values healthy expressions of masculinity, promotes body positivity, and encourages healthy attitudes towards relationships and sexuality. Through these efforts, we can work towards reducing the number of individuals who feel marginalized and isolated, and promote a culture of respect, understanding, and empathy.

Some people says a state-sponsored girlfriend will reduce incels, is that solution possible and work, or not?

A state-sponsored girlfriend program, where the government provides individuals with a romantic partner, is not a feasible or appropriate solution for reducing the number of individuals who identify as incels.

Such a program would raise a number of ethical, legal, and practical concerns. For example, it would be difficult to determine who would qualify for such a program, and it could be seen as discriminatory or unfair. Additionally, forcing individuals into relationships would violate their autonomy and may not result in healthy or fulfilling relationships.

Furthermore, providing individuals with a romantic partner does not address the underlying issues that contribute to feelings of marginalization and social isolation, and may actually reinforce harmful beliefs and attitudes towards others. It is important to address societal and cultural factors, such as toxic masculinity and unrealistic beauty standards, as well as provide mental health resources, promote healthy relationship skills, and encourage healthy online behavior.

Rather than pursuing a state-sponsored girlfriend program, efforts should be focused on promoting a culture of respect, understanding, and empathy towards others, and addressing the underlying societal and cultural factors that contribute to feelings of marginalization and social isolation.

Is it true that women back then are forced to have a partner since back then, women can’t even have a bank account without partner and any other rights, causing it to work like a state-sponsored girlfriend program?

It is true that women in the past faced significant legal and social barriers that limited their autonomy and agency, including restrictions on their ability to own property or access financial resources without a male partner. This meant that many women were economically dependent on men and often had limited options for supporting themselves outside of marriage or partnership.

However, it is important to note that this was not equivalent to a state-sponsored girlfriend program. Women did not have access to a government-provided romantic partner, but rather were often forced into marriages or partnerships as a means of survival and economic stability. This system was based on patriarchal norms and values that prioritized men’s power and control over women’s lives.

Efforts to promote gender equality and address the historical and ongoing effects of patriarchy are important for creating a more just and equitable society. This includes addressing the economic, social, and legal barriers that women have faced, as well as promoting healthy attitudes towards relationships and sexuality. However, it is not appropriate to equate the historical oppression of women with a state-sponsored girlfriend program, as this oversimplifies the complex societal and cultural factors at play.

Some states today like India and Saudi Arabia still have patriarchy, did they have lower incels than countries that abolished patriarchy like USA?

It is difficult to make direct comparisons between countries on the issue of incels, as there are a number of complex factors that contribute to the prevalence of incel subcultures, and different countries may have different social, cultural, and political contexts that affect how these subcultures emerge and are sustained.

However, it is worth noting that patriarchal societies, where men hold greater social, economic, and political power than women, are often associated with rigid gender roles, traditional gender norms, and restricted access to education, employment, and other opportunities for women. These factors can contribute to feelings of social isolation, frustration, and resentment among men who feel that they are not able to achieve traditional markers of masculinity, such as having a romantic partner or providing for a family.

In contrast, countries that have made significant progress towards gender equality, such as the United States, have generally seen greater social and cultural acceptance of diverse expressions of masculinity and femininity, as well as greater access to education, employment, and other opportunities for women. These factors may contribute to a greater sense of individual agency and social connection, which can help to reduce feelings of social isolation and frustration.

However, it is important to note that incel subcultures can emerge and be sustained in any context where individuals feel socially isolated, frustrated, and resentful. Therefore, it is important to address the underlying factors that contribute to these feelings, including social and cultural norms around gender, relationships, and sexuality, as well as promoting healthy relationship skills, mental health resources, and healthy online behavior.