Internet's 90-9-1 rule is unfair

Β· 1256 words Β· 6 minute read

You πŸ”—

Do you know the 90-9-1 rule in the internet?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

Yes, the 90-9-1 rule, also known as the “1% rule,” is a principle that suggests that in online communities, 90% of the users are passive observers who do not contribute to the content, 9% of the users are occasional contributors, and only 1% of the users are active creators of content. This principle is often cited in discussions about online community engagement and social media marketing, and it can be useful for understanding how different users engage with online content and communities. However, it should be noted that these percentages are not fixed and may vary depending on the particular platform or community being studied.

You πŸ”—

I think that is unfair, are those people in 1% gatekeeping those 90% who wants to contribute?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

The 90-9-1 rule is a generalization based on observed behavior in online communities and should not be taken as an absolute truth. While it is true that some individuals in the 1% may act as gatekeepers, preventing others from contributing or sharing their views, this is not necessarily the case for all active content creators. In fact, many creators actively encourage and welcome participation from others, and communities with high levels of engagement and collaboration can emerge even with a small percentage of active contributors. It is also worth noting that the 90% of passive observers may choose to be so for a variety of reasons, such as lack of time or interest, rather than being prevented from contributing by gatekeepers.

You πŸ”—

I created an account on Wikipedia, then I made a contribution, then my first contribution basically reverted it, how is that a welcoming environment for us? They are basically gatekeeping it.

ChatGPT πŸ”—

I understand that it can be discouraging to have your contributions reverted, especially when you are trying to be helpful and participate in a community. However, it is important to keep in mind that Wikipedia, like other online communities, has established policies and guidelines that must be followed to maintain the quality and accuracy of its content.

If your contribution was reverted, it is possible that it did not meet these standards or was not in line with the community’s expectations for quality and accuracy. However, this does not necessarily mean that the community is unwelcoming or that you should give up on contributing. Instead, you may want to take some time to review the policies and guidelines more closely and ask for feedback from other contributors on how you can improve your contributions.

Remember that Wikipedia is a collaborative project, and while it can be frustrating at times, the goal is to work together to create a reliable and informative resource for everyone. So, don’t be discouraged by setbacks, and keep trying to contribute in ways that are constructive and in line with the community’s standards.

You πŸ”—

I tried also on Reddit, I created an account there, and posted a post, then the moderators instantly shadow banned my post, I can see my post but when I was logged out, I can’t see it, they banned it without any reason, how can a newcomer get engaged with the internet?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had a negative experience with Reddit. It can be frustrating to have your content removed without explanation, especially when you’re trying to participate in a community.

That being said, it’s important to remember that online communities like Reddit have rules and guidelines that all users are expected to follow. If your post was removed, it’s possible that it violated one of these rules or guidelines, even if you didn’t intend to break any rules.

If you’re unsure why your post was removed, you may want to reach out to the moderators of the subreddit where you posted and ask for clarification. Keep in mind that moderators are volunteers who are often tasked with enforcing the rules of a community, and they may not always have the time to provide detailed explanations for every removed post. However, it’s still worth asking politely and respectfully.

In terms of getting engaged with the internet, I would suggest exploring a variety of communities and platforms to find ones that align with your interests and values. Take some time to read the rules and guidelines of each community before posting or contributing, and try to be respectful and constructive in your interactions with others. Remember that online communities can be very different from one another, so what works in one community may not work in another. Keep an open mind, be patient, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or feedback from more experienced users.

You πŸ”—

Is there any internet communities that are designed to break that 1% rule?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

While the 90-9-1 rule is a common observation about online communities, there are certainly platforms and communities that have different dynamics and may be more welcoming to a broader range of users.

Some examples of online communities that prioritize participation and engagement from a larger percentage of users include:

  1. Wikia/Fandom: This platform allows users to create and edit wikis on a wide range of topics, from popular TV shows to niche hobbies. Because the content is collaboratively created by a large number of users, there is a greater opportunity for participation from a broader range of users.
  2. Discord: Discord is a chat and voice communication platform that is popular among gamers but also has communities focused on a wide range of topics. Many Discord servers are designed to be inclusive and encourage participation from all members.
  3. Stack Exchange: This platform hosts a variety of question-and-answer websites focused on specific topics, such as programming or cooking. While there are certainly active experts on each site, the Q&A format encourages a wider range of users to participate and contribute their knowledge.

Of course, there are many other platforms and communities that prioritize inclusivity and participation from a larger number of users. It’s worth exploring different communities and finding ones that align with your interests and values.

You πŸ”—

I found out that Facebook is the one that broke that 1% rule, a majority of their users are also contributing, how can Facebook broke the norm in the internet?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

It’s true that Facebook has a very high level of user engagement, with a majority of its users regularly contributing content in the form of status updates, comments, and reactions. This is somewhat unusual compared to other online communities, which tend to have a smaller percentage of active contributors.

There are several reasons why Facebook may have been able to break the 90-9-1 rule:

  1. Accessibility: Facebook is designed to be very user-friendly and accessible, with a simple interface that makes it easy for anyone to post and share content.
  2. Social connections: Facebook’s focus on social connections, such as friends and family, may encourage more people to engage with the platform and share their experiences with others.
  3. Personalization: Facebook’s algorithm is designed to personalize the user experience, showing users content that is relevant to their interests and preferences. This may encourage users to stay engaged with the platform and continue contributing content.
  4. Advertising: Facebook’s business model relies heavily on advertising, which encourages businesses and individuals to create content to promote their products and services.

Of course, there are also some criticisms of Facebook’s user engagement model, such as concerns about the platform’s impact on mental health and privacy. However, it’s clear that Facebook has been successful in creating a platform that encourages high levels of user engagement and participation.