Male Sexlessness Rising Explanation

· 2093 words · 10 minute read

According to General Social Survey, in 2008, male sexlessness started rising, what would be the probable cause in 2008 that made it rise?

The General Social Survey (GSS) is a valuable tool for measuring trends in various aspects of American society, including sexual behavior. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the GSS and other survey data can only suggest possible explanations for trends and that multiple factors are likely involved.

It’s not possible to determine a single cause for the rise in male sexlessness in 2008 based on the GSS data alone. However, a variety of factors could have contributed, including changing social and cultural norms, economic conditions, and increased access to technology and the internet, which has changed the way people form relationships and interact with each other.

Additionally, it’s worth considering the limitations of the data and the definitions used in the survey. For example, the GSS defines “sexlessness” in a specific way, and respondents’ self-reported sexual behaviors and attitudes may not accurately reflect their experiences.

In conclusion, while the GSS provides important information on trends in sexual behavior, it’s important to consider multiple possible explanations and to approach the data with caution.

Male sexlessness is rising since 2008, is this why incels are rising also?

The rise in male sexlessness and the growth of the “incel” (involuntary celibate) subculture are likely both influenced by a variety of factors, but it is not accurate to say that one is the direct cause of the other.

Incels are individuals who identify as involuntarily celibate and who often express frustration and anger towards women, romantic partners, and society as a whole. The rise of the incel subculture can be attributed to a number of factors, including the proliferation of online communities and forums where people can connect and share their experiences, as well as changes in social and cultural norms around sex and relationships.

However, it’s important to note that the vast majority of people who identify as sexless or involuntarily celibate do not embrace harmful ideologies or engage in violence. The incel subculture is a specific and extreme subgroup that should not be conflated with the broader experiences of people who are sexless or involuntarily celibate.

It’s also important to recognize that the relationship between sexlessness and the incel subculture is complex and not fully understood, and that more research is needed to fully understand the motivations and experiences of people who identify as incels.

What we can do to stop, or reverse the situation that male sexlessness are rising in 2008?

The rise in male sexlessness is a complex issue with multiple causes and it’s not possible to offer a simple solution. However, there are several steps that could be taken to address the issue:

  1. Improving access to mental health services: Many people who experience sexlessness may also be struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or social isolation, which can impact their ability to form and maintain relationships. Improving access to mental health services and support can help people address these underlying issues.
  2. Encouraging healthy relationships and communication: Promoting healthy relationships and communication skills can help individuals navigate the complexities of dating and relationships and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  3. Addressing cultural and societal attitudes: Addressing cultural and societal attitudes towards sex and relationships can help reduce stigma and promote more positive and healthy attitudes towards sexuality.
  4. Providing education and resources: Providing education and resources on topics such as sexual health, communication, and consent can help individuals develop healthy relationships and reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.
  5. Addressing economic and social inequalities: Addressing economic and social inequalities that can impact access to resources and opportunities can help reduce stress and increase access to support, which in turn can lead to healthier relationships and greater sexual satisfaction.

It’s important to recognize that the rise in male sexlessness is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. Addressing the issue will require a combination of individual, societal, and cultural changes.

According to National Survey of Family Growth data, religiosity is falling, it means people that are practicing religion abstinence are falling, then why the General Social Survey data shows that male sexlessness are rising? I think it should decrease because people practicing abstinence are decreasing too?

The relationship between religiosity and sexual behavior is complex, and it’s possible for trends in both to change independently.

The decline in religiosity, as measured by the National Survey of Family Growth, may not necessarily lead to a decrease in sexual abstinence. Even among people who identify as religious, there can be differences in attitudes towards sex and sexual behavior, and some individuals may choose to engage in sexual activity regardless of their religious beliefs.

Similarly, the rise in male sexlessness, as measured by the General Social Survey, may not be solely due to declining religiosity. There are a multitude of factors that can impact sexual behavior and relationship formation, including changing social and cultural norms, economic conditions, and access to technology and the internet.

In conclusion, while declining religiosity may be one of the factors contributing to changes in sexual behavior, it’s not possible to make a straightforward connection between the two trends. The relationship between religiosity and sexual behavior is complex and influenced by many factors, and more research is needed to fully understand the connections between the two.

Do you think that access to pornography is the reason why male sexlessness are rising?

Access to pornography could potentially be one factor contributing to the rise in male sexlessness, but it is unlikely to be the sole cause.

Pornography can impact individuals’ sexual behaviors and attitudes in a variety of ways, including altering their expectations and preferences in relationships and leading to feelings of isolation and dissatisfaction. However, it is important to consider the many other factors that can also impact sexual behavior, including social and cultural norms, economic conditions, and access to technology and the internet.

Additionally, it’s important to recognize that not all individuals who have access to pornography will be affected in the same way. Some individuals may be able to use pornography in a healthy and fulfilling way, while others may experience negative impacts on their sexual behavior and attitudes.

In conclusion, while access to pornography may be one factor contributing to the rise in male sexlessness, it is likely that multiple factors are involved, and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between access to pornography and sexual behavior.

When did pornography was invented? Is it invented in 2008, causing the male sexlessness to rise?

Pornography has a long history, with evidence of erotic art dating back thousands of years. The exact origins of pornography are difficult to trace, but it has existed in various forms throughout human history.

In terms of the current proliferation of internet pornography, it has been available online since the early days of the internet. However, the widespread availability and accessibility of internet pornography has increased dramatically in recent years with the advent of smartphones and other mobile devices.

It is possible that the increase in access to internet pornography may have contributed to the rise in male sexlessness, as noted in some studies. However, it is important to consider that the relationship between access to pornography and sexual behavior is complex and influenced by many other factors, including social and cultural norms, economic conditions, and access to technology and the internet.

In conclusion, while access to internet pornography may have played a role in the rise in male sexlessness, it is likely that multiple factors are involved, and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between access to pornography and sexual behavior.

GTA IV was released in 2008, do you think the release of GTA IV is one of the factors in rising male sexlessness?

It’s unlikely that the release of Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV) was a significant factor in the rise of male sexlessness. While video games can impact individuals’ behaviors and attitudes in a variety of ways, the relationship between video game play and sexual behavior is complex and not well understood.

It is possible that some individuals who spend a significant amount of time playing video games, such as GTA IV, may experience decreased social interaction and decreased opportunities for relationship formation, which could contribute to feelings of loneliness and isolation. However, other factors, such as economic conditions, social and cultural norms, and access to technology and the internet, are likely to play a much larger role in the rise of male sexlessness.

In conclusion, while video game play, including the release of GTA IV, may be one of many factors contributing to the rise in male sexlessness, it is unlikely to be a significant factor on its own. The relationship between video game play and sexual behavior is complex and requires further research to fully understand.

In 2008, there is a major stock market crash and recession, do you think that it is one of the factors in rising male sexlessness in 2008?

Yes, the 2008 stock market crash and subsequent recession could have played a role in the rise of male sexlessness in 2008. Economic conditions, including job loss and financial stress, can impact individuals’ behaviors and attitudes in a variety of ways.

During times of economic hardship, individuals may be more focused on stability and security, and less focused on relationship formation and sexual behavior. Additionally, financial stress and job insecurity can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, which can further decrease individuals’ desires and opportunities for sexual activity.

It is also possible that the recession led to decreased access to resources, such as health care, support networks, and leisure activities, which could have contributed to decreased opportunities for relationship formation and sexual activity.

In conclusion, while the 2008 stock market crash and recession may have been one factor contributing to the rise in male sexlessness, it is likely that multiple factors were involved, and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between economic conditions and sexual behavior.

In 2001, the stock market also crashed due to the events of 9/11 attack, why male sexlessness did not increase back then?

It’s difficult to say exactly why the 2001 stock market crash following the 9/11 attacks did not result in a noticeable increase in male sexlessness at that time. However, there are several factors that could have influenced the relationship between the 9/11 attacks and sexual behavior.

For example, the 9/11 attacks led to a sense of national unity and solidarity, which could have increased feelings of connection and support and potentially offset any negative impacts on sexual behavior. Additionally, the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks was a time of heightened emotions and stress, which could have decreased desires for sexual activity in the short term.

It’s also possible that the 2001 stock market crash and the 9/11 attacks had different impacts on different populations, with some groups being more affected than others.

In conclusion, while the 2001 stock market crash and the 9/11 attacks may have had some impact on sexual behavior, it is likely that other factors were also involved and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between these events and sexual behavior.

Is it possible that in 2008, women standards for finding a partner has increased, causing the rise of male sexlessness?

It’s possible that changes in women’s standards for finding a partner could have contributed to the rise in male sexlessness in 2008. Changes in social and cultural norms, including expectations for relationships and partner preferences, can have a significant impact on sexual behavior.

For example, if women’s standards for finding a partner have increased, it may have become more difficult for some men to find partners, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, if social and cultural norms have shifted in ways that make it more difficult for men to meet women’s standards, they may feel less confident in their ability to form relationships and engage in sexual activity.

However, it’s important to note that changes in women’s standards for finding a partner are likely to be influenced by a variety of factors, including economic conditions, access to technology and the internet, and broader cultural and societal changes.

In conclusion, while changes in women’s standards for finding a partner may have contributed to the rise in male sexlessness in 2008, it is likely that multiple factors were involved, and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between changes in partner standards and sexual behavior.