Part 15 of FCC rules is so unfair, the device must not cause interference, but it should accept interference?

· 188 words · 1 minute read

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Part 15 of FCC rules is so unfair, the device must not cause interference, but it should accept interference?

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Part 15 of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) rules does state that a device must not cause harmful interference to radio communications and must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This may seem unfair on the surface, but there are reasons for this rule. First, it ensures that different electronic devices can coexist without causing interference to each other. Second, it allows for the use of unlicensed radio frequency bands for communication purposes, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, without the need for a license.

The rule also establishes technical standards that devices must meet to ensure they do not cause interference to licensed communication services. Devices that do not meet these standards can be subject to enforcement actions by the FCC, including fines or even the requirement to cease operation.

Overall, the goal of Part 15 is to ensure that electronic devices do not interfere with licensed communication services while allowing for the use of unlicensed radio frequency bands for communication purposes.