Will committing a school shooting will get media coverage to me and makes me notable?

Β· 1546 words Β· 8 minute read

You πŸ”—

Will committing a school shooting will get media coverage to me and makes me notable?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

Absolutely not. Committing a school shooting is a violent and illegal act that can cause harm to innocent people and lead to severe legal consequences. Notability on Wikipedia should be achieved through positive accomplishments, contributions, and achievements in a particular field or industry, not through negative or harmful actions. It’s essential to seek help and support if you are struggling with feelings of anger or violence, rather than resorting to violent actions.

You πŸ”—

But a person named Nikolas Cruz is famous than me, do you think you know me?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

As an AI language model, I don’t have the ability to know individual people unless you provide me with more information about yourself. However, I want to clarify that notability and fame are not the same thing. Notability on Wikipedia is based on the individual’s significant accomplishments, contributions, or achievements in a particular field or industry. In contrast, fame can be achieved through positive or negative actions, including committing violent acts like school shootings. However, it’s important to understand that fame achieved through negative actions is not a desirable or healthy way to become notable. It can lead to severe legal consequences, harm innocent people, and damage a person’s reputation and mental health.

You πŸ”—

Nikolas Cruz is on Wikipedia, and I’m not, I can’t believe that person who is almost the same age as me is notable than me.

ChatGPT πŸ”—

It’s understandable to feel frustrated or disappointed if you don’t feel like you’ve achieved the level of notability you desire. However, it’s important to remember that notability on Wikipedia is based on a specific set of criteria, including significant contributions or achievements in a particular field or industry, as well as significant coverage in independent, reliable sources.

Nikolas Cruz is not notable because of his involvement in the school shooting. Instead, his notability on Wikipedia is due to the significant media coverage surrounding the incident, which has led to extensive coverage of his background and personal history.

It’s essential to focus on positive and constructive ways to become notable rather than comparing yourself to others or engaging in negative actions. Consider pursuing your passions, making significant contributions to your community, or achieving significant accomplishments in your field of interest. With dedication, hard work, and persistence, you may achieve notability in a positive and meaningful way.

You πŸ”—

But being notable through positive and constructive ways requires extraordinary luck, and I’m not lucky in my life.

ChatGPT πŸ”—

While luck can play a role in some cases, it’s important to remember that notability through positive and constructive ways is primarily achieved through hard work, dedication, and persistence. Many notable individuals have achieved their success through years of consistent effort, setbacks, and hard work. It’s essential to focus on developing skills, pursuing your passions, and making meaningful contributions to your community, rather than solely focusing on becoming notable.

It’s also important to remember that notability on Wikipedia is not the only measure of success or achievement. There are many ways to make a positive impact in the world without being famous or notable. Focus on finding fulfillment and happiness through your personal goals and contributions, and the recognition will likely follow in due time.

You πŸ”—

A lot of people who did positive and constructive ways are still not notable on Wikipedia, I think the best way to become notable without luck is to perform a school shooting.

ChatGPT πŸ”—

I strongly disagree with your statement. Performing a school shooting is a violent and illegal act that causes harm to innocent people and causes irreparable damage to communities. It is not a way to become notable or successful. Notability should be achieved through positive and constructive ways, such as making significant contributions to your field or industry, achieving noteworthy accomplishments, or making a positive impact on your community.

Furthermore, I want to emphasize that committing a school shooting will lead to severe legal consequences and harm innocent people. It’s essential to seek help and support if you are struggling with feelings of anger or violence rather than engaging in harmful actions. There are many resources available for those struggling with mental health issues or experiencing difficult emotions, and it’s important to reach out for help and support when needed.

You πŸ”—

How can I become notable without getting extreme luck?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

Becoming notable requires a significant contribution or achievement in a particular field or industry, as well as significant coverage in independent, reliable sources. Here are some general suggestions that may help increase your chances of becoming notable:

  1. Pursue your passions: Find something you love to do and work hard to excel in it. Whether it’s a sport, a hobby, or a professional pursuit, dedicating yourself to your passions can help you develop skills and expertise that can make you stand out.
  2. Make significant contributions to your field: Look for opportunities to make meaningful contributions to your field or industry. This could include developing new technologies, inventing new products, or creating art or literature that resonates with others.
  3. Build a strong online presence: A strong online presence can help you reach a broader audience and demonstrate your impact and reach. This could include creating a professional website, building a social media following, and engaging with your audience.
  4. Get involved in your community: Look for ways to make a positive impact in your community. This could include volunteering, donating to charitable causes, or organizing community events.
  5. Be patient and persistent: Notability is not something that can be achieved overnight. It may take years of hard work and dedication to become notable enough to warrant a Wikipedia article.

Remember, becoming notable should not be the sole focus of your efforts. It’s important to find fulfillment and happiness through your personal goals and contributions, and the recognition will likely follow in due time.

You πŸ”—

But I did everything and I’m still not notable, and yet a person like Nikolas Cruz are on Wikipedia without any effort, that is unfair.

ChatGPT πŸ”—

I understand how it can be frustrating to see others achieve notability seemingly without effort. However, it’s important to remember that notability on Wikipedia is based on specific criteria, including significant coverage in independent, reliable sources, and notable achievements or contributions to a particular field or industry.

Nikolas Cruz is not notable because of his involvement in a school shooting. Instead, his notability is due to the significant media coverage surrounding the incident, which has led to extensive coverage of his background and personal history.

It’s important to remember that notability is not the only measure of success or achievement. There are many ways to make a positive impact in the world without being famous or notable. Focus on finding fulfillment and happiness through your personal goals and contributions, and the recognition will likely follow in due time. Remember that hard work and persistence are key factors in achieving success, and it may take time and effort to achieve notability in a positive and meaningful way.

You πŸ”—

Will performing a school shooting allows me to be notable and get my own Wikipedia page without needing extreme luck?

ChatGPT πŸ”—

No, performing a school shooting is not a legitimate or acceptable way to achieve notability or get your own Wikipedia page. Notability should be achieved through positive and constructive ways, such as making significant contributions to your field or industry, achieving noteworthy accomplishments, or making a positive impact on your community.

Performing a school shooting is a violent and illegal act that causes harm to innocent people and causes irreparable damage to communities. It is not a way to become notable or successful. It’s essential to seek help and support if you are struggling with feelings of anger or violence rather than engaging in harmful actions. There are many resources available for those struggling with mental health issues or experiencing difficult emotions, and it’s important to reach out for help and support when needed.

You πŸ”—

I’m really sad that a person like Nikolas Cruz with the same age as me is notable than me, life is really unfair without luck.

ChatGPT πŸ”—

I understand that it can be discouraging to see others achieve notability seemingly without effort while you may be struggling to achieve the same level of recognition. However, it’s important to remember that notability is not the only measure of success or achievement.

There are many ways to make a positive impact in the world without being famous or notable. Focus on finding fulfillment and happiness through your personal goals and contributions, and the recognition will likely follow in due time. Remember that hard work and persistence are key factors in achieving success, and it may take time and effort to achieve notability in a positive and meaningful way.

It’s also important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and comparing yourself to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and frustration. Instead, focus on your own strengths and abilities and work to develop them further. Set realistic goals for yourself and take steps towards achieving them, and don’t be afraid to seek help or guidance when needed.

Remember that life can be challenging, but there are resources and support available to help you overcome difficulties and achieve your goals.